Library News Library Learning Series: Lexis Advance on Monday, October 24 Join Stacy Cavin, your Lexis representative, to learn about Lexis® Advance at next week’s Library Learning Series. Stacy will be demonstrating the new research system that is designed to simplify the search process. … New materials at the library Are you interested in seeing what’s new at the library? At we have lists of new titles added for the past 3 months. We also have lists of all the titles in… Library Learning Series: Searching Outside the Box, Monday Oct. 10 New products such as WestlawNext and Lexis Advance give researchers the ability to conduct research without thinking about it. Searching in ‘the box’ however, has several limitations. In this session… MindManager software and templates available If you missed the Library Learning Series about MindManager on September 19 you can watch a recording of the presentation on Tegrity. As a recap, MindManager is software program from Mindjet that is… Library Learning Series: Google+ Monday, Sept 26 Google = Search for most people, but Google offers much more than just a quick answer to your everyday questions. At the next Library Learning Series on Monday, September 26 come learn about… Library Learning Series: MindManager, Monday, Sept 19 Are you a visual person? Are your class notes filled with arrows, lines and bubbles? Would you like to organize your thoughts and notes in a way that makes sense to you visually?… FREE books today, Friday September 2 TODAY ONLY: all leftover books from our book sale are FREE! Stop by the library to pick up a few. Thanks again to faculty for donating most of these books. Library book sale starts August 29 The library’s semiannual book sale will begin at 9 am on Monday, August 29. We will be selling books donated to the library which we don’t need for our collection. Hardbacks are $5… Textbook alternatives The library does not purchase casebooks for our collection, but we would like to let you know of alternative ways of accessing your textbooks. Audio Casebooks AudioCaseFiles via CVN (Courtroom View Network) offers… Library Closed: 3 P.M. August 12 through 8 A.M. August 15 The Library will be closed from 3 p.m. on Friday, August 12, through Sunday, August 14, due to a power outage in the building. We will reopen as normal at 8 am on… Prev 1 … 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 … 19 Next