Library News Recordings of The Legal Research Process and Intro to MindManager now available Did you miss one of the Library Lunchtime Learning Series sessions? You can now watch the presentations online via Tegrity. Here’s a recap of what you missed: The Legal Research Process, Sept 20… Trial Subscription: Getting the Deal Through Trial The Library now has a one month trial subscription to “GTDT”, an online service for corporate counsel and legal practitioners. To log in, go to and enter the following: Username: JohnMarshall Password:… Trial Subscription: Aspen Treatises The Library is trying out a number of popular Aspen treatise as part of its electronic resources collection. Most of the Aspen titles cover the following subject areas: Antitrust & Trade Regulation (i.e.… Lunchtime Learning Series: MindManager, Monday Sept. 27 Are you a visual person? Are your class notes filled with arrows, lines and bubbles? Would you like to organize your thoughts and notes in a way that makes sense to you visually?… Library Lunchtime Learning Series: The Legal Research Process, Monday, Sept. 20 Whether you are a 3L or a 1L in your first weeks of law school, you have probably gathered that legal research is a different animal from research in other disciplines. Each research… Library Book Sale The JMLS Library book sale is going on now. There are a wide variety of old editions of text books, study guides and other books for you to choose from. Books are available… Wex: Free online legal dictionary and encyclopedia Cornell University Law School’s Legal Information Institute (LII) has partnered with legal publisher NOLO and will make Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary available for free on Wex, their community- built legal dictionary and encyclopedia.… Library Lunchtime Learning Series: Introducing WestlawNext, the new search platform from Westlaw, on Sept 13 Over the summer Westlaw introduced a new legal research system called WestlawNext. Faculty members have access to this new system now and students will be able to access it beginning on September 13. … Publishing Tips for Faculty Part 1: Washington and Lee Rankings One of the most important considerations in law review publication is – Where to submit? Washington and Lee’s Law Review Rankings ( can help you determine where to submit or accept possible publication.… Test out new furniture & technology The law school is considering putting a new type of technology called media:scape into the group study rooms in the library and possibly other rooms in the law school. It allow students to… Prev 1 … 15 16 17 18 19 Next