Library News Detours and Frolics: Week of 10/17 Here’s this week’s collection of legal news and miscellany to distract you for a minute: Is the Supreme Court hypocritical? (NY Times) The NLRB issued a memo stating that certain restrictions on student… Detours and Frolics: Week of 10/10 Where does the time go?! We’re halfway through the semester, so before you hunker down with your outlines, enjoy some legal news and miscellany from last week: The Supreme Court is back in… Detours and Frolics: Week of 10/3 A collection of legal news and miscellany to start your week: The Illinois Supreme Court struck down a law reducing civil trial juries from 12 to 6 people (ABA Journal) The ICC sentenced… Detours and Frolics: Week of 9/26 If you’re not out enjoying this A+ weather, perhaps you’ll enjoy catching up on this collection of legal news and miscellany from last week: Gov. Pat McCrory dropped the “bathroom bill” suit against… Detours and Frolics: Week of 9/19 And now, this week’s collection of last week’s legal news and miscellany: The Supreme Court won’t let people register to vote and cast an early vote at the same time (Buzzfeed) The Fourth… Detours and Frolics: Week of 9/12 Already the 4th week of classes!? If you need a distraction from that alarming fact, spend some time with this collection of last week’s legal news and miscellany: Justices Kagan and Sotomayor offered… Detours and Frolics: Week of 9/5 Short week, typical collection of legal news and miscellany: Will a recent decision from the Sixth Circuit hinder rural broadband access? (NY Times) Ireland fined Apple $14.5 billion (Above the Law) A fascinating… Detours and Frolics: Week of 8/29 For your reading pleasure, some of last week’s legal news and miscellany: At the International Criminal Court, an extremist plead guilty to destroying ancient shrines in Timbuktu (NY Times) A federal judge had… Detours and Frolics: Week of 8/22 -- Welcome Back! The fall semester has started! You probably don’t need a distraction quite yet, but if you do, here’s a collection of last week’s legal news and miscellany to catch up on: Some professors… Detours and Frolics: Week of 8/15 After a summer break, Detours and Frolics is back for the fall semester! Here’s this week’s collection of ruling-heavy legal news and miscellany: The ABA adopted a rule that makes it professional misconduct… Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … 19 Next