American Arbitration Association Launches Free AI-driven Handbooks

AAA-ICDR Launches AI Book Case Prep and Presentation

The American Arbitration Association plans to release a series of free AI-driven handbooks (AAAi Chat Books), which will allow users to ask questions and get answers about various aspects of arbitration.

The first part of this series is the AAAi Chat Book Case Preparation and Presentation. It is based on Case Preparation and Presentation: A Guide for Arbitration Advocates and Arbitrators by Jay E. Grenig and Rocco M. Scanza. This resource is an interactive guide to preparing and presenting AAA cases. This tool allows you to ask questions and receive quick, personalized answers at every stage of the process—from drafting clauses to addressing post-award steps. It draws from insights in Case Preparation and Presentation, as well as relevant AAA-ICDR rules. This resource empowers you with expert guidance to help you prepare for resolving disputes efficiently and confidently.

For more resources on the topic of arbitration (or more), visit the law library's research guide on Advocacy & Alternative Dispute Resolution.

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