Exam Preparation Resources
Exam Preparation Resources
Exams start soon, and while you're getting into your outlining, what else might you be doing to prepare?
One of the most helpful ways to practice answering exam-type questions is to check out the Academic Success collection on the 6th floor of the library. It contains a number of materials like Examples & Explanations and Q&As that offer practice essay and multiple choice questions that can help you anticipate what sorts of questions you might see on your exams.
Also, the library provides access to an exam database that you can use by logging in with your JMLS user name and password. Many of the exams in this database are on the older side, so it may not hurt to check your Moodle pages for resources provided directly by your professor.
Finally, CALI Lessons can be a great way to brush up on concepts that are still unclear to you. If you need a CALI registration code, you can get one at the reference desk.
If you have any questions feel free to visit the reference desk on the 6th floor or email Philip Johnson at pjohnso@jmls.edu.