Lunchtime Learning Series: MindManager, Monday Sept. 27

Lunchtime Learning Series: MindManager, Monday Sept. 27

Are you a visual person?  Are your class notes filled with arrows, lines and bubbles?  Would you like to organize your thoughts and notes in a way that makes sense to you visually?

Come to the Library Lunchtime Learning Series on Monday, September 27 at noon in Room 608 to learn about MindManager.  MindManager is software program from Mindjet that is available to you for free as a JMLS student.    It allows you to create visual information maps (mind maps) that start with a central idea, and then branch out with additional ideas, notes, images, tasks, hyperlinks or attachments.  MindManager is a tool that helps you think visually, so it is best explained by seeing an example of a mind map.

Join us next Monday for pizza and a demonstration by Ken Hirschman of Mindjet.  Ken will be here to show you how MindManager can help you brief cases, take class notes more efficiently and turn those notes into outlines to help you prepare for exams.

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