Textbook alternatives
Textbook alternatives
The library does not purchase casebooks for our collection, but we would like to let you know of alternative ways of accessing your textbooks.
Audio Casebooks
AudioCaseFiles via CVN (Courtroom View Network) offers downloadable MP3 files of judicial opinions with full text of the opinion, a brief fact summary and the rule of law. You can search opinions by subject, by casebook or by case name. AudioCaseFiles is available for free to current JMLS students and faculty. Just sign in using your JMLS email address.
Rentals and Online access
Westlaw provides students with the option of renting their casebooks. You pay a monthly rental fee and a hardcopy book is shipped to you. Westlaw also provides instant access to the online book while you wait for your physical copy of the book to arrive. Writing and highlighting are allowed in the books although damages beyond reasonable wear and tear may result in damage charges. Check out the FAQs for additional details.
SBA Book Sale
The SBA will be holding its used book sale through Thurday Aug. 25 in room 402.