Louis L. Biro Law Library

Library Staff Directory

Main Numbers

You can reach the library during regular business hours by dialing (312) 427-2737 and the appropriate extension below. If the Law School switchboard is closed, use the Circulation Desk's direct number: (312) 987-1413.

Contact Extension
Circulation Desk (312) 987-1413 ext. 710
Reference ext. 729
Fax (312) 427-8307


Name Title Extension
Ramsey Donnell Associate Dean of Law Library & Information Services
Clinical Professor of Law
ext. 266
Dana Franklin Business Adminstrative Associate ext. 343

Research & Instruction

Name Title Extension
Anne Abramson Foreign & International Law Librarian (and Government Documents) ext. 702
Chelle Lanterman Instructor and Resources Management & Systems Librarian ext. 897
Julienne Grant Instructor & Reference Librarian ext. 643
Philip Johnson Instructional & Student Services Librarian ext. 551
Victor Salas Evening Reference Librarian ext. 714
Frank Young Instructor & Reference Librarian ext. 430

Access & Organization

Name Title Extension
James Hancock Serials & Cataloging Coordinator ext. 795
John Park Circulation Assistant ext. 713
Keesha Smith Circulation & Technical Services Assistant ext. 718
Catrina Williams Interlibrary Loan Coordinator ext. 715

Library Links

Resources & Tools