Library News Access to Library Resources During Campus Closure While the UIC John Marshall Law School campus is closed, most law library resources continue to be available remotely. To access article databases or other specialized databases, use the links on the library… Information About the UIC Library and JMLS A benefit of UIC’s acquisition of John Marshall is access to UIC library resources. In addition to being able to check out materials from UIC libraries, JMLS students, faculty, and staff can access… Library Catalog Downtime Morning of Thursday, Sept. 19 The law library’s catalog will be down for routine maintenance from 2 AM (CDT) to 6 AM (CDT) on the early morning of Thursday, September 19th. Database access will not be affected. Summer Use of Westlaw, Lexis, and Bloomberg Law Both continuing students and Spring 2020 graduates can continue to access Westlaw, Lexis Advance, and Bloomberg Law. Here is a breakdown of what, if anything, you need to do to make that happen:… Spring 2019 Finals Snacks Snacks are back on the 6th floor during finals. Monday, May 6 at 8 am – Doughnuts and coffee Tuesday, May 7 at noon – Bagels and cookies Wednesday, May 8 at 3… 8th Floor Closed for Construction, 9th Floor Now Ultra Quiet Floor As you’ve likely heard by now, the library’s 8th floor will be closed for the 2018-2019 academic year. Over the course of the next year, it will be converted to JMLS’s Collaboration Commons,… Fall 2018 Finals Snacks Snacks are back to help sustain you through finals. Swing by the 6th floor at the following times for coffee and other various sweets. Bananas will also be available at each serving. Wednesday,… The Fall Book Sale Has Begun - Swing by the 6th Floor Library Floor Closures Starting Friday, June 29; Library Closed on July 4 In preparation for the 8th floor renovation, the following floor closures will be in effect this weekend. Also note that as of Friday, the 8th floor will be closed until the renovation is… On Fridays this Summer, the 6th Floor Reference Desk Will Not Be Staffed This summer, the reference desk will not be staffed on Fridays from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. as it is during the spring and fall semesters. If you need research or reference assistance… Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … 19 Next